Terms and


Welcome to the website meliamaputo.com (this “Website”). Meliá Maputo Sky makes this Website available under the following terms of use (these “Terms”). These Terms explain the contract between You (“You”, “Your”) and Meliá Maputo Sky (“We”, “Us”, “Our”) regarding Your use of this Website. You should keep a printed copy of these Terms. However, please note that these Terms may be updated or amended from time to time.

Meliá Maputo Sky undertakes to comply with the legislation in force on the issue of automated data processing and, specifically, with Organic Law 15/99 for the Protection of Personal Details, enacted on 13th December, 1999 (henceforth called LPD). In accordance with the following privacy policy, MELIÁ MAPUTO SKY does hereby inform its customers of the following terms:

For the purposes of providing the services offered via the website [www.meliaria.com], as well as offering personalised products and services, improving commercial relations and administering requests from our clients, MELIÁ MAPUTO SKY will process its customers’ personal details by automated means and for the purposes specified further on.

MELIÁ MAPUTO SKY hereby guarantees that it is fully responsible for the aforementioned files and that they are duly declared and registered with the Data Protection Authority, whose database may be consulted at: http://www.agpd.es.

MELIÁ MAPUTO SKY hereby informs you, the Customer, that you may exercise your rights to access, rectify, cancel and object directly via the website (in the “My profile” section) or in writing, in a letter sent to the data processing manager who, for all issues, is:

Customer Services
Programme Department, MELIÁ MAPUTO SKY S.A. Directorate-General of Marketing (Ref.: Data Protection)
Calle Gremio Toneleros, 24
Palma de Mallorca – 07009 – Spain

MELIÁ MAPUTO SKY hereby informs you, the Customer, of the purposes for which it will use the personal details obtained from this site.

By completing the request to register on the MaS programme, each holder accepts and authorises the use and processing by Sol Meliá of the personal details provided and supplied by the use of the MaS Card, for the purposes specific to the MaS Programme, as well as for the purpose of offering personalised products and services and improving commercial relations with our customers. Completion of the aforementioned request also authorises your details to be passed onto Group companies and to associates of the MaS loyalty programme in the tourism, leisure, restaurant, hotel, travel agency, aviation, car hire and timeshare sectors, both within and outside of Spain, for the purpose of providing you with our best service as our customer and providing you with information pertaining to our products and services as well as those offered by assignees and third parties, on paper or telematically, pertaining to the tourism, hotel, restaurant, leisure, entertainment and recreation sectors and to the sale and promotion of timeshares.

In accordance with the provisions set out in Organic Law 15/1999, enacted on 13th December 1999, for the Protection of Personal Details (LPD), an archive was created for hold personal details, to hold those required for the operation of the programme. Sol Meliá guarantees that it has and shall adopt appropriate measures to assure the confidential processing of the aforementioned details, and in the event that you do not agree with the processing or passing on of your personal details, you may write to SOL MELIÁ S.A. Customer Services, to the manager and administrator of the archives, at the above address, where you may also exercise your rights to access, rectify, cancel and object.

By completing the On-Line Reservations form, each user accepts and authorises the use and automated processing by MELIÁ MAPUTO SKY of the personal details provided for the purposes of performing the reservation requested and offering personalised products and services and improving commercial relations with our customers, as well as the passing on of the aforementioned details to companies which form part of the Sol Meliá Group and associated companies, from the tourism, leisure, restaurant, hotel, travel agency, aviation, car hire and timeshare sectors, both within and outside of Spain, for the purposes set out above. Customers are also hereby informed that by performing a reservation, your personal and reservation details will be passed onto the companies which have to take part in the management of the reservation and/or trip and to the destination hotel, regardless of the country in which the aforementioned companies are located. This may involve international data transfers, for the exclusive purpose of administrating the reservation and guaranteeing the performance thereof.

By completing the Work Experience Grant request, each user accepts and authorises the use and automated processing by MELIÁ MAPUTO SKY S.A. of the personal details and information provided so that they may form part of our staff selection database for the purpose of being included in staff selection procedures for the various different hotels and companies in the Sol Meliá Group, as well as the passing on of the aforementioned details to companies which form part of the Sol Meliá Group and associated companies, from the tourism, leisure, restaurant, hotel, travel agency, aviation, car hire and timeshare sectors, both within and outside of Spain, for the exclusive purpose of selecting staff. MELIÁ MAPUTO SKY hereby informs the holder that the rights to access, rectify, cancel and object may be exercised by writing to the person in charge of processing, at the Sol Meliá Staff Selection department, at the aforementioned address.

Meliá Maputo Sky hereby informs you that your e-mail address will be entered into an automated archive (distribution list) for the purpose of providing you with information relating to our news and offers via e-mail.

MELIÁ MAPUTO SKY shall not disclose your personal details to any third parties, with the exception of those set out in the above sections.

MELIÁ MAPUTO SKY guarantees that it will maintain confidentiality when handling your personal details, and also guarantees that the server in which your details are stored and processed will be endowed with security measures stipulated in Spanish data protection standards.

Part of the SOL MELIÁ personalisation services uses cookies.
A cookie is a very small text file which a web server can save on a piece of equipment’s hard drive in order to store any kind of information about the user. It can only be read by the site which sent it to that piece of equipment.
Sites usually use cookies to obtain statistical information about their web pages, and to analyse their customers’ surfing habits.
A cookie is not an executable file and it cannot propagate or send a virus, and can be no longer than 4,000 characters.

MELIÁ MAPUTO SKY uses cookies exclusively for the purpose of drawing up statistics relating to the use of its site. The information which MELIÁ MAPUTO SKY stores in its equipment via this mechanism consists solely of a number which identifies a user, as well as preferences such as the preferred surfing language and the date on which the cookie was placed. This will enable us to recognise you during your next visits to our site. It does not contain any personal details or financial or health information.

You may configure your browser to accept – or not – the collies you receive or to which your browser alerts you when a server wants to save a cookie:

* If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer, go to the View menu option, select Internet Options and access Advanced Settings.
* If you use Netscape, go to the Edit menu option, select Preferences and access the Advanced category.

MELIÁ MAPUTO SKY is grateful to you for accepting cookies, as this helps us to gather more accurate details to enable us to improve our webpage content and design and adapt it to your preferences.

MELIÁ MAPUTO SKY may also record your IP addresses in order to diagnose any problem with our server, to administrate our webpage and analyse user habits.