MeliáRewards is Meliá Hotels International’s loyalty program with which you will enjoy exclusive advantages and offers and discounts on your stays in the more than 380 hotels of all the Meliá group’s brands: Gran Meliá, ME, Paradisus, Meliá Hotels & Resorts, Innside and Sol.
MeliáRewards is Meliá Hotels International’s loyalty program that gives you exclusive advantages and offers. Belonging to MeliáRewards means more: more value, because you receive points, surprises and discounts; more opportunities, because you can earn and use points in a thousand ways; and more time, because you become a priority customer.
Free Nights
Explore the freedom of travel with our Meliá Rewards loyalty program, where free nights are a reality. By earning points with every stay, you'll have the chance to enjoy free nights in stunning destinations.
Exclusive Discounts
Secure hotel stays at the best prices. Take advantage of exceptional offers for an affordable and memorable experience.
Exclusive Benefits
Book with Meliá Rewards and enjoy a wide range of exclusive benefits on various services. Enjoy even more comprehensive advantages to make your experience truly unique.
Fast check-in and check-out
With the fast check-in and check-out service, you can save time during the arrival process and leave without complications. Enjoy a smooth experience from the moment you arrive until the moment you leave, guaranteeing efficiency and practicality during your stay.
White Member
First level of the program, obtained after registration. Offers 10 points for every €1 of the total booking.
Silver Member
Level obtained after 2 stays, 5 nights' accommodation or accumulation of 10,000 points. Offers 11 points for every €1 of the total booking.
Gold Member
Level obtained after 15 stays, 30 nights' accommodation or accumulation of 60,000 points. Offers 13 points for every €1 of the total booking.
Platinum Member
Level obtained after ten consecutive years as a Meliá Rewards member and 500 nights accumulated. Offers 14 points for every €1 of the total booking.